26 Sep 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

26 Sep 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Wed, 26 Sep 1945

Anchored Singapore about half past 12. Passed a convoy of small naval craft convoying a large 3-funnelled transport. In harbour were many naval ships, including the aircraft carrier 'Trumpeter' which is a sister ship to us, and the flagship 'Nelson'.  We stayed for about 3 hours.  We left about 4pm.  The little islands around are bristling with trees and bushes sprouting  thick and green out of the sea.
Dance on Flight Deck at night.  The deck was  lit up, the band came up on the lift; 2 very nice singers, and we learned some of the latest (to us) songs.  Flags were arrayed on the ropes round the band group.  The officers looked very nice, some in black, some in white, and lovely smart cummerbunds.  The MC kept saying 'Come along, ladies and gentlemen' because most of the seamen were very bashful.

The Captain looked like a film version of a bandit chief, in white silky shirt which billowed in the breeze, black cummerbund and trousers.  He made a little speech, said this was probably a unique occasion.  Clifton gave a turn which went down very well.  ((Clifton and friend Eric MacNider often appeared on Stanley stage together))