1 - 27 Jun 1942, Rev. Buuck's autobiographical notes | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1 - 27 Jun 1942, Rev. Buuck's autobiographical notes

Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 1 Jun 1942 to Sat, 27 Jun 1942

June came and we were told that the U.S. and Japanese governments had worked out a plan. Japanese nationals in the U.S. would be exchanged head for head with Americans in the camp.

We were required to present all books, pictures, etc. for censuring. Very few pictures and only books containing no writing or maps received this approval.

Of extreme importance was the opportunity we were given to go to Hong Kong and open our safety deposit boxes. I was allowed to take some valuable Mission Treasury papers and some personal documents.

Back at camp we were ordered to pack our belongings, making sure not to try smuggling anything out which was on the forbidden list.