3 Jul 1942, Rev. Buuck's autobiographical notes | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

3 Jul 1942, Rev. Buuck's autobiographical notes

Date(s) of events described: 
Fri, 3 Jul 1942

((I've used 3rd July, despite 4th July shown below. Ella Buuck records the people from Saigon boarded on the 3rd July. I think Ella's record is more likely to be accurate - she appears to have kept a daily diary at the time, whereas these notes were written up later.))

On July 4th, a beautiful day, we slowly made our way up the Saigon River to pick up the embassy staff from French Indo China, now S. Viet Nam ((now just 'Vietnam')).

Hawkers came along side the boat with all kinds of wares for sale. Wine and cigarettes were the “hottest” items; I doubt if either was very good.