10 Aug 1942, Rev. Buuck's autobiographical notes | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

10 Aug 1942, Rev. Buuck's autobiographical notes

Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 10 Aug 1942

((His wife's diary, written at the time, says this happened on 10th August. That's the date I've used for this page, not the 12th that he mentions below.))

Early on August 12th we entered the harbor of Rio De Janiero, truly one of the most beautiful in the world with Corcovado and Sugar Loaf dominating the scene. There was also a huge British troop carrier in port which we assumed to be the Queen Mary. Our little Gripsholm seemed like a toy in comparison.

We were able to get off the ship and do some sightseeing. Taking a walk along the shopping center, we purchased pictures made of butterfly wings, and an alligator skin purse and belt. We made a trip via tram to the top of Corcovado on which is a large statue of Christ overlooking the city and the harbor. The beautiful orchids and 7 story tall palms fascinated us.

In the evening we visited with our Lutheran pastor, who felt a bit uneasy since the South Americans were quite jittery during these war years.