Ma On Shan Iron mine [1906- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Ma On Shan Iron mine [1906- ]

Current condition: 
Date Place completed: 
c.1906-01-01 (Month, Day are approximate)
Date Place demolished: 
c.1976-12-31 (Month, Day are approximate)

Notes from the web...


Between 1906 and 1976, the mine produced more than 3 million tons of processed ore and remaining ore reserves have been estimated at 4 million tons.


Iron ore was a major product of Ma On Shan in the past. During the 1950's boom, more than 2,000 miners worked here. After closure of the pits in 1976, the mine was abandoned. Today, these former miners and their families live in Ma On Shan Village.


Photos that show this place



In 1906 a licence was issued to C P Chater for one square mile of Ma On Shan to mine Iron Ore deposits that were discovered during prospecting in the area

Source PWD Report 1906 (No 3)

I am told that there are two existing entrances to the Mine. One at the top of the Country Park and one near a farm at the bottom, does anyone know more specifically where these might be within these general areas?

Here is the information you are looking for. Watch out for the inclines/stopes!

If you wish to know more about the Ma On Shan mine, I wrote two articles about it that are on the HK Industrial History web site:


Thank you both! I will look at it. :)