7 Jul 1942, Ella Buuck's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

7 Jul 1942, Ella Buuck's wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Tue, 7 Jul 1942

We are still here and is it hot! What a relief it will be when we once get moving.

They took on fresh water and allowed us to use it all day. They warned us that it would be our last chance for a bath. All people were busy washing etc. Only salt water baths in the future.

The white crosses are big and plain to see.

They fixed up slides on top deck for the children and they do have a swell time now. Bobby would go up and down for hours if I’d help him and stay with him.

We had a long talk with Mr. Arndt last night. ((Was Mr Arndt from Hong Kong, or had he joined from one of the other locations?))