24 Jul 1942, Ella Buuck's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

24 Jul 1942, Ella Buuck's wartime diary

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Fri, 24 Jul 1942

Up early and we unpacked and found all our baggage today.

This afternoon we had a very pleasant time. Took a bus to the zoo. Met Thodes on the same bus and so had a nice time. The park was most interesting. The trees were so tropical, the fine sandy paths, the crisp air, the rustling of the leaves, all in all it was an afternoon we shall always remember. The children enjoyed it much, too.

We took a taxi back to the ship; saw the native women carrying heavy burdens on their heads. It’s fun to handle the local money, 25 Escutas to U.S. Dollar.

Many people didn’t get settled properly so they are lining up again this evening. It is a mess to get 1550 people settled in this high big floating hotel. One can get lost and it takes ages to get located again.

The beauty parlor is huge. I’ve made an appointment for Monday.

The cost of pressing laundry etc. is terrific. I don’t intend to have things done.

Yesterday a noted lady took all the American children on a picnic - 99 of them - gave them all a grand treat.

Bobby feels much better but gets hopeless crabby spells.

Later—what a night followed after the above. Lorenz came and said we were to move. Everybody had to move. We made a grand improvement but 95% of the others were disappointed. Husbands and wives were separated etc. Really all a mad scramble. Many folks again had no bed.