11 Aug 1942, Ella Buuck's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

11 Aug 1942, Ella Buuck's wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Tue, 11 Aug 1942

We were up early and right after breakfast we went downtown to do shopping. Had a nice time looking around and bought quite a few things.

At noon we were back on ship, turned in our passes and that ended our shore leave. I got busy right away washing clothes, also did some ironing, then rested and at 4p.m. we were all on deck to see the ship make ready to leave. They lifted the gangplank and slowly moved away from shore.

About 45 minutes later 3 men passengers appeared who had failed to make the ship. A motor boat picked them up and brought them alongside, but they were afraid to try the rope ladder so they were put into the tug and later when the pilot boat arrived they were put on that and finally got into the ship.

We had grand views as we were leaving Rio. The climax was as the sun was just behind the statue and it made a perfect picture to see it that way. The sunset was grand with all the mountains around.