Photos of Power Station, Ap Lei Chau [1968-c.1989] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Power Station, Ap Lei Chau [1968-c.1989]

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1965: Ap Lei Chou Island 1.jpeg

1967: Ap Lei Chau Power Station 1967 1

1968: 1960s Ap Lei Chau Power Station

1968: 1968 Wah Fu housing project

1968: Hong Kong. Ap Lei Chau Power Station. 1968

1969: 33_25 HKG Is Aberdeen Mar 69 Ap Lei Chau Power Station.jpg

1973: Aberdeen Harbour - Enter The Dragon

1974: Aberdeen harbor and Ap Lei Chau

1974: Power Plant at Ap Lei Chau

1976: Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter

1976: 1976_Ap Lei Chau

1979: 1979 - Aberdeen Harbour

1980: View from the peak on Aberdeen and Lamma Island

1983: 1983.05.xx Last moment of Kai Lung Wan 雞籠環 [最後的剪影]

1983: 1983.05.xx Last moment of Kai Lung Wan 雞籠環 [最後的剪影]

1983: Ap Lei Chau (鴨脷洲) island, Hong Kong, 1983

1984: Ap Lei Chau Power Station

1985: Aerial view of Aberdeen mid 1980s

1987: 1987 Aberdeen (香港仔)

1988: 1988 Kellett Bay (Wah Kwai Estate under construction)

: 06-Hong Kong 1971_0008.jpg

: 11-Hong Kong 1971_0013.jpg