16 Oct 1942, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

16 Oct 1942, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Fri, 16 Oct 1942

Better weather.

News very good.

Fed up tonight. Must try to think less of G.

((But that didn't work. From early November on, Jones mentions her each day. Sometimes simply "GX" or "GXX", other times a few words "With Gxx after 8PM. Quarry."

On 25th December, he wrote:

"Had G to supper. Nativity Play at St Stephens. Quarry GX. Lovely Xmas considering conditions."

But just the next day things take a turn for the worse:

"Not such a good day. G got card from hubby. Spoke of breaking up."

(Throughout this time there are doubts about whether G's husband is alive or not.)

Into 1943, G is still on Jones' mind, and is mentioned in his diary most days. He hopes they'll get back together, but their romantic relationship never really gets going again. They still see each other regularly though. Common friends and the enclosed space make it difficult to avoid someone.

Later that year he learns G will be repatriated. She left camp on 23rd September, 1943, to board the repatriation ship "Teia Maru". That evening, he wrote:

"She left at 12.15pm & so ends a long period of friendship that ran the whole gamut of all feelings & emotions. Goodbye & God Bless you Girlie darling, good luck wherever you go. XX. G going has left a big blank in the Camp for me now. Tei-a Maru left at 9.30pm."

That's as much as I'll include in the daily diary entries. I'll leave out his other mentions of her, and mark them with ((G.)). The full transcription of his diary is available on the Stanley Camp Discussion List.))