18 Dec 1941, Sheridan's diary of the hostilities | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

18 Dec 1941, Sheridan's diary of the hostilities

Date(s) of events described: 
Thu, 18 Dec 1941

The Jap bombers have been over on three occasions today, and really caused havoc with our bread production. Although there was no damage to persons or property. We now hear some very disgusting rumours that Jap assault troops have landed on the Island. According to GHQ the situation is well in hand. We take this with a pinch of salt, because of similar assurances before the mainland was evacuated.

Some of my bakers are now very “jittery”. During the air raids a few of the older hands stay with me until the last minute, but others bolt at the least sound of a Jap plane. Without the help of Hammond, Tuck and Bonner we would produce very little bread. The bread is being issued as fast as we can bake it. There are all sorts of lorries and cars arriving during the day and night to collect bread and supplies for the fighting troops.

There is now a peculiar feeling about that something is going to happen. It is a tension that is very hard to explain. The 9.2 guns of the Artillery keep up a continuous barrage all through the night. I find it very difficult to get any sleep. I have also noticed that the labourer coolies employed here at the Supply point have gradually disappeared, not a good sign.