1 Nov 1942, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1 Nov 1942, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Sun, 1 Nov 1942

All quiet, no raids or news.

All short wave radios prohibited by Japs.


Does anyone know if Jones' comment: "All short wave radios prohibited by Japs." mean that until this date there hadn't been any problem using them?

Regards, David

I seem to remember reading that everyone in town had to take their radios in and get them modified so that they could no longer pick up the BBC - but they were still able to hear broadcasts from Chuungking anyway! I'd always assumed on the basis of this comment that radios could be used in Stanley up to this point.

But it now occurs to me that it's just as likely that Jones is reporting news of the modification of radios in town. I'll see if I can find my source and if it gives any idea of when this happened. I wonder if Barbara has any memories of legal radio listening in Stanley in 1942?

Hi Brian, looks like your second idea is the right one. I asked Barbara and she replied:

I am positive that all radios were strictly prohibited in Stanley; I should think Mr Jones remark about no short wave radios applied to all HONG KONG residents, he might have been quoting from the HK News which sometimes appeared in camp.

Regards, David