Wilfred Mulcahy | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Wilfred Mulcahy

Hi all,

As yet, I'm no closer to finding out where and when my parents married.  However, I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me to learn how my father fared before and during the occupation - it's meant a great deal to me.


Apart from my search for Dad's wedding date, it's occurred to me that someone may know why he would arrive in Liverpool on 6th September, 1940, to return to Hong Kong leaving the UK on January 15th, 1941.  This is a very long shot, but there is the odd hint that he may have had some job with the Colonial Office other than teaching.  With the Suez Canal unavailable, the journey involved crossing the Atlantic each way, and appears more hazardous than would be warranted simply for home leave.  Although he gave his destination as Northallerton, where my Mum and I were living at the time, I have no recollection of actually seeing him.  If there is any clue of his activities in surviving records from that time, I'd be glad for further advice.


As it is, thank you again for all your assistance and, for anyone interested, the Co Durham Record Office now have an entry in their catalogue for my father which I shall update as more info becomes available.  The link is


A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

