9 Jan 1942, Harry Ching's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

9 Jan 1942, Harry Ching's wartime diary

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Fri, 9 Jan 1942

Hongkong money still being accepted. But this day Japs making yen available from depot at Chartered Bank. Queue extended from the bank to Gloucester Hotel corner. Only ten yen allowed each person at rate of two HK dollars for one yen. No change available, so high denomination HK notes not accepted. The over-printed Chinese notes also rejected.

To Tung Fong Hotel to see Ben Wylie. Chinese police guarding entrance. Ben appeared with Vincent Jarrett, John Luke and George Giffen. Dick Cloake typhoid. I gave Ben tin cocoa and tin milk. Jap soldier came along and motioned us clear out.

((Following text not dated:))

Notice in newspapers: "Except Chinese, all Third Nationals are required to have a certificate, otherwise they are prohibited to pass in the Colony. Such certificates can be obtained at the Civil Administration Office where the applicant will have to take an oath that he or she will obey any order or instruction given by the Imperial Japanese Army, and that no action of any sort which would benefit the enemies will be attempted." This appeared offer us a compromise as regards national status. But what was a "Third National"? We cautious and wait.