Waichow Intelligence Summary #17, 28 Jan 1943 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Waichow Intelligence Summary #17, 28 Jan 1943

Date(s) of events described: 
Thu, 28 Jan 1943


Hongkong News of 13 Jan. 43 reports mails from U.S.A. were delivered to internees.


G.S. KENNEDY-SKIPTON, a Hongkong Government Cadet, arrived in Waichow on 27 Jan.43. He was brought out alone by a Chinese friend after a visit to TAIPO with his wife and two children, when they called on the Misses DILLON and JENNINGS at the Taipo Orphanage. His route was East immediately after crossing the road bridge at TAIPO MARKET and over the hills to LAI CHI WO (Map Ref: 292812) whence he went by boat at 0300 hrs. on 25 Jan.43 to TAI MUI SHA (Map Ref: 335891) and thence via PINGSHAN to TAMSHUI and WAICHOW. He hopes his wife and two daughters, aged 12 and 10 respectively, will be brought out later by the same guide. A letter from this gentleman, telling of his activities, was sent to H.Q. Kweilin under covering note Ref: Memo No.7/43 dated 21.Jan.43.

A verbal message from him for help to come out was received through one of his Chinese guides two weeks ago, but it was not thought fit to place our organisation at his disposal, and Captain Hooper merely quoted the first two lines of the "Old School Song" and said it was up to SKIPTON. It is assumed that this reference to his alma mater stirred his better instincts for he took the plunge almost immediately.


Most interesting post. It makes one wonder whether Helen and the two daughters remained at the Taipo Orphanage for the duration of the war before being repatraited to the UK in October 1945.

One has to wonder whether George's Chinese "wife" escaped with the son into China before George or after. I still believe that the main cause of George's dismissal was his unoffical second wife and son, especially bearing in mind he was promoted to Cadet Grade 1 in December 1940.  


In a letter I have seen (copy of) written by Emily Hahn around the time of the 2nd repatriation in 1943 Helen and her two daughters were still living in the Wanchai Gap area (home of GK-S) not in Taipo. According to her letter she described Helen as a friend one of the few European women out of Camp living in occupied Hong Kong on account of her husband's Irish nationality. Emily cites that they were well and had access to funds.  Best rgds,  Phil Cracknell