Waichow Intelligence Summary #19, 17 Feb 1943 | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Waichow Intelligence Summary #19, 17 Feb 1943

Date(s) of events described: 
Wed, 17 Feb 1943


The following escapees arrived WAICHOW on 14 Feb.43:-

RAGNAR BRODERSEN, Norwegian: late of Thoresen & Co.
WILLIAM VALLESSUK, Russian: Radio Engineer.
HALFDIAN KVAMSO, Norwegian: Master Mariner, formerly
                                           Captain of S.S."HARALDSVANG",
                                           which was scuttled in Hongkong.

The latter's family is in BOMBAY and he is prepared to take over a ship after seeing his family.

Reports from the three men together with a report on their escape are appended.