23 Mar 1943, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

23 Mar 1943, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Tue, 23 Mar 1943

Sunbathed, cold shower, clothes washing & reading took up the day.

Fine hot weather.

Sugar scarce & dearer Y1.40 1lb ($5.60) 7/-


Walk with Steve pm.


Saw my camphor-wood box pass.

((The "camphor-wood box" must have been one that Jones had previously owned, but that had been lost during the chaotic times during and after the fighting. He got it back though, as his younger daughter Diana told us in 2013:

I have a camphorwood box that Daddy recognised and it also had their address in the lid - it was returned to him - the legs had been sawn off and lock broken and the Japanese had used it to store their rifles. 
