15 Dec 1942, Harry Ching's wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

15 Dec 1942, Harry Ching's wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Tue, 15 Dec 1942

((Following text not dated:))

Hear people now leaving by junk from Taipo to East River.

Street sleepers and destitutes being rounded up.

Searching at ferry requires people take off shoes and socks. 

Prices published as at 30th November:

  • Rice 30 sen a catty official (black market 67 sen),
  • flour 45 sen,
  • sugar 55 sen,
  • beans 35 sen,
  • peanuts 90 sen,
  • peanut oil Y1.40,
  • beef Y2,
  • pork Y3,
  • mutton Y2.30,
  • chicken Y3.40 (with feathers),
  • eggs 23 sen,
  • fish (wong fa) 75 sen,
  • salt fish Y1.50,
  • coal Y6 picul,
  • firewood Y4,
  • kerosene Y2.