Pillbox 214, Shui Chuen O [1937- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Pillbox 214, Shui Chuen O [1937- ]

Current condition: 
Date Place completed: 

Year completed is: Approximate
Condition at last visit: Ruin
Date of last visit: Aug-1995
Ref: ROB-00531
Other: Destroyed in fighting Dec 41

Photos that show this place


 22.367012   114.194392

PB214, by ck89

I've updated the position to your Lat and Long thanks.

The yellow dot seems to be lying east of the path, while in fact it's in the west. The marker stone lying on the path is within several metres to the pillbox. Namely, the marker stone is to the right of this photo (a bit out of view)

Coordinates of pillbox: 22.3671714, 114.1944527


P_20200403_PB214.jpg, by H.Lo

Hi There,

Look's like the shrubs had not grown back that much after the bush fire a few years ago.  I was able to see it on the foot brfge between Sha Kok Estate and Shatin Wai Station.  The CLP Pylon is the guide.


Sorry, the focus is a little bit off.

DSCF3388.JPG, by tngan

Hi There,

Walked by the area again and took another shot.  Seems like mother nature is claiming back the slope quite a bit.

dscf7659.jpg, by tngan