Criterion Restaurant / Dining Saloon / Hotel, 21 & 23 Pottinger Street [????-c.1906] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Criterion Restaurant / Dining Saloon / Hotel, 21 & 23 Pottinger Street [????-c.1906]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place demolished: 
c.1906-01-01 (Year, Month, Day are approximate)

This place is mentioned in several jurors lists

  • 1897-1900: Frederick Meltruish (spelled "Melhuish" in some years), Manager, Criterion Dining Saloon, 21 & 23 Pottinger Street.
  • 1901-1902: Same manager & address, but the place is now called the Criterion Hotel.
  • 1904: Marshall Lorenzo is listed as Manager.

A search for Criterion in HKGRO also turns up several mentions.

Government Notification - No 83 in 1895:


A special sessions of Her majesty's Hustices of the Peace will be held in the Justices' room, at the Magistracy, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the 19th day of March, A.D. 1895, for the purpose of considering an application from one ANNE YOUNG, for the transfer to herself of the adjunct licence to sell and retail intoxicating liquors on the premises situate at Houses Nos. 21 and 23, Pottinger Street, under the sign of The Criterion Restaurant now held by her husband WM. YOUNG.

Police Magistrate. 

Nine years later another notice appears, suggesting Anne Young may have re-married to the Frederick Melhuish / Meltruish shown above. (Perhaps William Young was in bad health, causing the transfer mentioned above.)

Government Notification - No. 578 in 1904:


A Meeting of His Majesty's justices of the Peace will be held in the Justices' Room, at the Magistracy, at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, the 30th day of August, 1904, for the purpose of considering the following applications:-

(1.) From one ANNE MELHUISH for the transfer of her Publican's Licence to sell and retail intoxicating liquors on the premises situated at Nos. 21 and 23, Pottinger Street, under the sign of the "Criterion Hotel," to one GEORGE GREEN.

(2.) From one LOUIS COMAR to sell and retail intoxicating liquors on the premises situated at No. 61, Des Voeux Road, under the sign of "The Main Hotel."

Police Magistrate.

At some point George Green moved the Criterion Hotel to new premises on Queen's Road.


Photos that show this place



The move to new premises on Queen's Road probably happened in 1906.

The licensing sessions in November 1905 included an application from George Green for a Publican's license for the Criterion Hotel at 21 & 23 Pottinger Street. (Notification 768, Govt Gazette, 17 Nov 1905.)

The following year's sessions in November 1906 also included an application from George Green for a Publican's license for the Criterion Hotel, but at 98 & 100 Queen's Road Central. (Notification 950, Govt Gazette, 8 Nov 1906.)