Photos of Lila Melitza PIO-ULSKI (née NOZADZE, aka Lila Parks) [1917-1997] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Lila Melitza PIO-ULSKI (née NOZADZE, aka Lila Parks) [1917-1997]

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1945: letter.jpg

1945: 1945 Oct 21 mom, Lindy, Olga & Misha + RN friends.jpg

1945: 1945 Oct 21 mom, Lindy, Olga & Misha + RN friends.jpg

1945: 1945 Oct 21 mom Lindy Olga RN jeep.jpg

1945: 1945 Oct 29 Lindys 6th birthday.jpg

1945: lettertomom.jpg

1947: HK Hotel 1947.jpg

1947: 1947 - Oct 5 christening party outside 23 Cameron Road.jpg

1949: 1949 Fight for Sight Fashion Show at the Gripps, HK Hotel

1949: 1949 Hong Kong, Linen Chest, fashion show at Eucliff

1950: 1950 Royal HK Defence Force I/D for Lila Parks

1950: Kamp for Kids 1950

1950: Management wives.png

1951: 1951 Jan 5 st george's.jpg

1952: 1952 HK Regiment parade in Happy Valley

1952: 1952 Cheero Club

1953: 1953 Aid for the Sea Training School mom on mike.jpg