Looking for information on mysterious artist "Koo Bon" | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Looking for information on mysterious artist "Koo Bon"

I am wondering if you might be familiar with an artist named “Koo Bon”. He was active in the mid-70s and the company I work for owns a number of paintings by him. We are looking for more information about this artist but keep coming to dead-ends.

Apparently he owned or exhibited in the Country Art Gallery at the mezzanine level of the Mandarin Oriental in the seventies (and maybe later too?), but we have no further record of him, the paintings or the shop.

Would be grateful for any information.

Drizzling Rain



There also used to be more paintings of this guy in the Mandarin rooms.

Victoria and Hong Kong Harbour


Have you tried the HK Museum of Art? Maybe they'd know.

Regards, David

Sorry everyone, didn't see your replies. Thank you for your suggestions. We have in fact already contacted people at the museum and they too don't know anything about this artist.

We have spoken to someone who suggested that it might be a Korean artist but not the current young contemporary one of late. This artist must have spent a significant amount of time in Hong Kong however as he had quite the collection that seems to have spread around the big corporate companies at the time. He did portraits (most of which were photo prints on canvas then embellished with oil). We have heard that Wharf or Whampoa have a few of his pieces too.

Really have not idea where to get more information. He truly is a mystery artist!