Gwulo Lunch London | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Gwulo Lunch London

Gwulo Lunch 15th October....RednHot restaurant Charlton St. NW1 1JD

Meet at 1245 for lunch and a chat...all Hong Kongers&Gwulo readers welcome.



Hi Mike,

I hope you have a good turnout. I see it's a different address from the usual meeting place. Are you going to start alternating north & south London?

Regards, David

Hi David,

Trying somewhere different for those who have to travel in from the north.

Recommended by Patricia...Szechuan cooking sounds good.Not sure how many

we will get as many regulars are in Hk or unavailable.

Regards Mike


Shouldn't this be at 'Chalton Street' rather than Charlton Street or are my eyes deceiving me



Ian...Yes sorry should be Chalton street...must put my specs on!
