Photos of ARP Tunnel Network 11, Leighton Hill [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of ARP Tunnel Network 11, Leighton Hill [????- ]

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1941: Clipping re ARP from SCMP, 19-Apr-1941

1941: Leighton Hill Air Raid Shelter Portal No. 111 .jpg

1950: 1950s Happy Valley Racecourse

2007: Leighton Hill Tunnels, Portal 110

2007: Leighton Hill Tunnels, Portal 111

2007: Leighton Hill Tunnels, Portal 111

2016: DSC_8254.JPG

2016: DSC_8250.jpg

2016: DSC_8227.JPG

2016: Leighton Hill tunnel layout

2018: 20180215-090748 - IMG_1619.JPG

2018: 20180215-091849 - IMG_1642.JPG

2018: 20180215-084539 - IMG_1589.JPG

2018: 20180215-090502 - IMG_1615.JPG

2018: 20180215-091657 - IMG_1635.JPG

2018: 20180215-092446 - IMG_1658.JPG

2018: 20180215-084808 - IMG_1594.JPG

2018: 20180215-085657 - IMG_1609.JPG

2018: 20180215-091403 - IMG_1628.JPG

2018: 20180215-092116 - IMG_1649.JPG

2018: 20180215-084443 - IMG_1588.JPG

2018: 20180215-085213 - IMG_1602.JPG

: Leighton Hill ARP tunnel ventilation shaft