Patell Villas [????-????] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Patell Villas [????-????]

Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists

Item 646 in the HK Gov't Gazette, October 8, 1931, places the Patell Villas at 35 / 37 / 39 Hankow Road. The numbers have been adjusted since then, so aren't an exact match for today's building at that address. However it also says they were on K.I.L. 405 S.A. and K.I.L. 410 S.C., which puts them roughly where the marker is on the map above.

Can anyone add when they were completed / demolished? We've got them shown in a photo from roughly 1905, and mentioned in the above document in 1931, so they were standing from 1900s-1931 at least.

Photos that show this place