1 Jul 1943, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1 Jul 1943, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Date(s) of events described: 
Thu, 1 Jul 1943

More than 18 months of poor nutrition are taking their toll. One of the most alarming developments is the occurence of eye problems due to B vitamin defiency. The camp's doctors are trying to tackle the problem, and today Dr Kenneth Uttley writes in his diary:

Now that Lane Crawford’s baker Mr Edgar has been interned here, I have set Herklots and him on to the problem along with myself; we have cut down the amount of sugar required and are making more efficient use of the soya bean residue left after making the soya bean milk for the children and invalids. We have at last what appears to be a fairly active yeast and Geoffrey and I dispense it daily at 2pm to the eye cases and certain other B2 deficient cases.  Geoffrey and Edgar are busy most of each morning working on the yeast and are thoroughly enjoying themselves. We even entertain the idea of making yeast for the whole camp, but that will have to wait.

Former Secretary to the Health Department J. I. Barnes reports that he was almost blind from vitamin defiency but 'fully recovered' his sight after two doses of yeast - he got the second because he was a 'special worker' and most cases only got one dose. His job was looking after the camp stores - he slept there at night to prevent theft.


The Kempeitai strike-back against the resistance has already smashed much of the BAAG's organisation in town, and the first arrests have been made in Stanley (see June 28). Today the campaign comes to the POW Camps: in the officers' camp at Argyle Street J. R. Haddock of the Hong Kong Naval Reserve and Volunteer M. G. Prata are arrested. At Shamshuipo Flight-Lieutenant 'Dolly' Gray is taken for questioning, and Sergeant Routledge and Flight-Sergeant Hardy follow him soon after.


Yeast: Diary of Dr Kenneth Uttley - extract kindly supplied by Philip Cracknell

Barnes: Hong Kong World War 11 and Other Stories, J. I. Barnes, 2005 (Imperial War Museum)

Arrests: Ralph Goodwin, Passport to Eternity, 1956, 39,  123,


For more on the yeast prophylaxis, see
