12 Nov 1943, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

12 Nov 1943, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Date(s) of events described: 
Fri, 12 Nov 1943

Franklin Gimson notes in his diary that Lady Grayburn seems to have recovered her mental balance and can now see things more impartially.


Gimson also prepares a notice with today's date outlining arrangements for a hoped for repatriation of some of the aged, the sick, the young, the mothers of the young - and even of the women.

A committee including Ben Wylie,  J. Jolly and Doctors Ashton and Valentine will serve under him to select the lucky internees to be sent home in a prisoner swap - but in the end all hopes but will be dashed,


Franklin Gimson, Internment in Hong-Kong March 1942- August 1945, 21b

Note 1:

Vandeleur Grayburn died on August 21, 1943. Lady Mary was not called to the prison next door to see him at any stage in his last illness. Gimson seems surprised that she reacted strinly to her husband's death.

Note 2:

There's a typescript of Gimson's notice in the Red Cross Archives with 'Stanley, 12th. November, 1943'  unambiguously typed at the bottom - but R. E. Jones knew all this on November 2!