Royal Navy Mobile Malaria Hygiene unit | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Royal Navy Mobile Malaria Hygiene unit

My father, a RN gunner, sailed to Hong Kong from Australia on HMS Vindex arriving August 1945. He was involved in the liberation of Stanley Internment camp and never forgot the dreadful scenes he witnessed. He remained in Hong Kong until late 1946 working in the RN Mobile Malaria unit . I understand some of the Japanese guards at the camp were placed in work parties supervised by the RN then taken to clear the area around the south of the island. I have several photos of dad with these Japanese which I will upload to the site if of interest. Dad also took a camera from one of these guards with an underdeveloped film and on having them processed revealed some of the brutality that took place. I have found it difficult to find out about this RN unit and would be grateful if anyone can provide further details. I have had the pleasure of meeting up with 2 of the Barton family that were interned in Stanley, Dan and Rosemary but although very interested in my photographs could not enlighten me anymore. I have twice traveled to Hong Kong and really love the place as I know my dad did. This is a fascinating site, so pleased I gave found it.


China Mail 14 February 1946

The work of the Mobile Malaria Hygiene Units after the war is covered in an article in the China Mail. The Royal Navy were responsible for removing the menace of malaria on Hong Kong Island. Please see here

Hello Harry, thanks for writing in. By chance I was at Stanley today, visiting the sites that formed the WW2 internment camp there. We noted the corner of the block where the flags were raised in 1945 when the RN arrived.

Yes please, I'm very interested to see any photos from your father's stay in Hong Kong, whether of Stanley or out and about. Here's how to upload a photo to the site:

Let me know if you run into any problems.

Regards, David

Some interesting photos from IDJ:

DDT Spraying by Royal Navy aircraft-1946

DDT Spraying by Royal Navy aircraft-China Mail 946

Royal Navy aircraft DDT spraying-SCMP 1946