29 Apr 1945, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

29 Apr 1945, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Date(s) of events described: 
Sun, 29 Apr 1945

Lieutenant T. D. Hunter, writes from the 'Prisoner of War Camp, Hong Kong to Mrs Peggy Hunter in Block 16, Room 34, Stanley (officialy called the 'Military Internment Camp'):

My Pegs,

I'm in a hurry now - so tired. And one has got to fight when one's too tired.

You 'take' and grow on one, I realise! I'm sorry I could not be brought to say there had to be this other way for us.

I'd like, somehow, to snatch you home with me!

My love as always to you both - Drummond


David Tett, Captives in Cathay, 2007, 198

An interview with Drummond Hunter can be heard here:



Note: The both presumably includes Peggy's mother - 'B. D. Scotcher, d.o.b. 1892, housewife'.'

This is an intriguing card, and, as David Tett comments, sounds like it might be a coded message. As the couple married at Bowen Road Hospital on Christmas Day 1941, they had hardly spent any time together.