29 Mar 1945, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

29 Mar 1945, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Date(s) of events described: 
Thu, 29 Mar 1945

G. P. de Martin ends today's lecture on 'Proverbs and Aphorisms' with some examples that must seem highly pertinent to his audience:

'Everything comes to him who waits' including the end of my remarks to which you have listened so patiently.

I will make you a present of my favourite proverb. 'If every man his doorstep kept the city would be clean.'

It is not a bad code of ethics.


G. P. de Martin, Told in the Dark, undated but perhaps 1946, 15 (the printed form of the lecture is called 'Wise Saws and Modern Instances.'