5 Jun 1944, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

5 Jun 1944, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 5 Jun 1944

The death from Typhus of Merchant Service Officer Ewart Connors Oates in Tweed Bay Hospital at the age of 28 (or 30). Before being sent to Stanley he was held at the War Memorial Hospital.


The final round of arrests for resistance work in the camps begins today (or on June 7)  in Shamshuipo.

Sources differ as to the details: according to Tony Banham's entry in We Shall Suffer There (2009) today sees the arrest of H. A. Botelho (the camp's escape officer) and Lieutenant Ralph Shrigley and Colonel Field, James Smith and Godfrey Bird are arrested on June 7. Ralph Goodwin, in Passport to Eternity (1956,163) has Botelho and Major Smith arrested on June 7 and Field, Bird and Simpson on June 9. The same source has Botelho released on June 8, and Banham gives June 28 as the day reports of Shrigley's death were received.

What follows is a period of brutal interrogation for all the prisoners.

Source:Oates: http://www.hongkongwardiary.com/searchgarrison/nonuniformedcivilians.html#_ftnref44; Philip Cracknell at http://battleforhongkong.blogspot.co.uk/2015/10/stanley-military-cemeter...