5 Jun 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

5 Jun 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 5 Jun 1944

Fine, cloudy.

Rec. letter Mar 23rd ’43 from Marj. Tells of their holiday on a farm & of how the cream & milk put weight on them. I’m so glad, it proves she can afford a holiday & to enjoy herself.

Chopped wood.

New electrical regulations published. It seems we’ll end up as we began, with nothing.

Air-raid alarm 1.45pm. All Clear 2pm.

Trouble with Comm. Garden party. The guard got tough with one of them & it seems now that the whole party are going to refuse to go anymore.

With Steve pm.

Paper indicates Japanese catching it in the neck. Pope demands protection of Rome against destruction & his attempt to get food into the City on Vatican ships has failed. Rome has never been in such sore straights [sic] in all its history. Russians attacking strongly nr. Jassy; as we are nr. Rome.

Full moon. S. Cross 9.30pm.