12 Jun 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

12 Jun 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 12 Jun 1944

Planes over 3.20am.

Rained heavily 7am.

Saving on cigs, we have no means of lighting them. Demonstrates in a small way how efficiently the Japs are managing the production in all their captured territory. Typhoons, earthquakes, plagues, loqusts [sic] & Japs are all in the same category for their destructive qualities.

Brightened somewhat during the forenoon. Wood-chopping, rice grinding & food carrying.

Some plane activity during the day.

German evacuated (9th) Tarquinia 55mls. N. of Rome. Sketchy report re French front. Imphal still falling. Nothing in paper to support Camp news. Public warned re possibility of air-raids & reminded how inhuman & cruel we’ll be when our planes come over. Have the Japs forgotten their own ruthlessness so soon?

Tea & sugar 20 days  & oil 10 days issued also Y2.50 more of last month’s allowance. Total allowance received = Y12.50 or 11 boxes of matches & 40 sen change, or ¾ lb of soap if one added 10 sen, or 7 razor blades by adding 52 sen.

Clouds lifted again during the evening.

With Steve pm.

Black-out off.