15 Jun 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

15 Jun 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Thu, 15 Jun 1944

Rained all night. Must be a record year for rain so far.

Roll-call cancelled due to rain.

Wood for chatties much in demand now that electrical appliances are forbidden.

Filed up a couple of canvas needles.

(Chinese Paper. Churchill with all Generals etc. in France 12th. Germans expect Allied landing in Greece, Portugal ceased to send tungsten to Germany. Meeting held in Turkey between Premier & Cabinet re decision to be made re war, position described as tense. Sir S. Hoare in conference with Franco. Petain & Laval had serious meeting (12th). Roosevelt said the invasion of Germany would be made by 3 roads (12th))

Apparently we can expect news of Turkey & the Balkans soon.

Very good meal tonight.

With Steve pm.

Canteen (63) buyer.

All lights switched off 9.55pm.

Planes around & over till 11/15pm. All Clear 11.30pm.