KMB Head Office (Pioneer Building) & Depot, Mong Kok [1928-1973] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

KMB Head Office (Pioneer Building) & Depot, Mong Kok [1928-1973]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 
Date Place demolished: 

The land lot was purchased in Apr 1928 through public auction with an upset price of $92,300. (See GA 1928 (suppl) No. 107, Hong Kong Government, from

It was later developed as a bus depot of Kowloon Motor Bus Company till post-war.

It is reported that a workshop called Tyesole located next to the building in 1950s, with a shop selling honey called "隨園蜂蜜大王" and a Shanghainese restaurant called "厚德福".

According to aerial photos of Lands Department, the building still existed as of 1972, while it was seen demolishing in Jan 1973.

Here is the photo of this building taken in 1935:

Photos that show this place


The KMB head office building was known as the Pioneer Building, see the Directory & Chronicle for 1938:

So that's three successive buildings on this site that have used the Pioneer name.

Regards, David.

I've updated the name from:

KMB Mong Kok Depot


KMB Head Office (Pioneer Building) & Depot, Mong Kok