15 Jul 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

15 Jul 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Sat, 15 Jul 1944

Squally, overcast all day.

4 cigs issued.

Palmer aged 70 died & buried today. ((Probably refers to I Chalmers.))

Mrs Brown to hosp. ((MW Brown?))

Russians doing fine, all other news either covered or absent.

11am meal extremely lousy, rice & beans, pm meal a little better. 2 fried sprats, 2 pot & 2 taro chips, fish sauce (described as doubtful) fish water & rice.

With Steve pm. Rained heavily all the evening so plenty got wet shirts getting home by 8pm.

According to Camp Bulletin letter & graph re camp conditions sent to Tokyo & the petition signed by 91% of the Camp sent to Jap Authorities in town. Nothing will come of either as usual.

Cigs & the few cents allocated to workers ceased & the supply of tea is exhausted. So it goes on, negative results & decrease of amenities such as they are.