17 Jul 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

17 Jul 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Mon, 17 Jul 1944

Wind to SW. Better weather.

Shovel for Steve. With him aft. & pm.

Gandhi proves himself the opposite to what the Japs would have him according to their propaganda, ie British Quit India. He proposes to form a National Gov’t with the Viceroy & C in C i/c supported by a Cabinet chosen from Moslim & Hindu elements.

Vilna & Pinsk captured 12th. Gains made in Normandy & Italy.

No.10 Block bakers busy making buns & cakes. A Jap high official is to inspect the Camp tomorrow, after which the party have tea on their lawn at H.Qs. Probably he’ll be hoodwinked into believing we are having a good time or bribed to say so.