14 Sep 1944, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

14 Sep 1944, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Date(s) of events described: 
Thu, 14 Sep 1944

The Canadian Red Cross parcels - two to each internee - are distributed.

These are excellent parcels, and there are enough of them to give out another one on the 21. ((For the contents see R. E. Jones's entry for today.))


In town in it's the first anniversary of the setting up of Rosary Hill Red Cross Home for uninterned and largely destitute British dependents. Delegate Rudolf Zindel marks the occasion with an off-the-cuff speech at dinner:

Today a year ago, the first batch of "Dependants" came up here. They were taking a chance and the rest of you after them were taking a chance. It has perhaps not been an easy year, neither for you, nor for the Administrative Staff, nor for me, but I do hope that you will agree with me that from the point of view of most of you, we did, everything consided, the right thing in moving up here.

In this connection, you will remember that before you came here, I promised you cramped accommodation and modest food both in quantity and quality; I leave it to you to judge whether I kept my word. If more could not be done for you with the money at my disposal, I would like you to remember that from the very same funds with which the Home is kept going, I have to do what I can for the Prisoners-of-War and Civilian Internees in Stanley. I would fail in my duty, and also you would not expect it from me, should I divert one Yen from the Prisoners-of-War and Internees to this "Home" than is absolutely necessary.

I doubt that Zindel believed that last sentiment for one moment. In any case, he will be criticised for spending too much money on Rosary Hill at the expense of Stanley, a charge he denied.


Rosary Hill: Ex-Tempore Adress GIven by Mr. R. Zindel...on the occasion of the first Anniversary of the opening of the "Rosary Hill" Red Cross Home...' in Archives of the International Committe of the Red  Cross (Geneva) BG 017 07-068