24 Jul 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

24 Jul 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 24 Jul 1944

Lovely day. Wind S.

Ground bread rice.

3 days papers arrived and good news in them all. St.Lo captured 19th & Leghorn entered 19th. An attempt made on Hitler’s life 20th. He gets away with a few burns yet 3 of his entourage were seriously wounded & 10 slightly wounded. We landed on Guam 21st. Premier Gen. Koisho made first speech in newly formed Cabinet aft. 22nd. Camp news has it that Hitler is dead.

With Steve pm. Lent me Y15.

Storm laden sky spread over by 8pm with a beautiful rainbow. All colours showed up beautifully under the grey & white sky, some of the rain clouds were green.


Ann writes:

David - noticed the bit about rainbow at 8pm... Did HK operate "summertime" then? Just during the war or generally?

Good question. The latest sunset in 2014 was 6:51pm on June 21st (see http://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/hong-kong/hong-kong). How could there be a rainbow at 8pm when the sun had already set?

I think I've read that the Japanese empire all ran on single a standard time, based on the time in Tokyo. Does anyone know how what was the difference between that and current Hong Kong time?

Regards, David

From this site given that Singapore reverted to Tokyo Standard Time (GMT + 9) during the Japanese Occupation, I assume Hong Kong did the same. 

From the Hong Kong Observatory, confirmation of the use of Summer Time (GMT + 9) during the Occupation as seen here