Photos of Ruins of Bridge in Tai Tam Valley [1903- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Ruins of Bridge in Tai Tam Valley [1903- ]

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2014: Ruined bridge in Tai Tam Valley

2014: Demolished Bridge & Temporary Pump House in Tai Tam Valley

2014: Ruins of bridge in Tai Tam Valley

2014: Ruins of bridge in Tal Tam Valley

2014: Ruined Bridge in Tai Tam Valley

2014: Ruins of bridge in Tai Tam Valley

2014: Ruins of bridge in Tai Tam Valley

2014: Ruins of bridge in Tai Tam Valley

2014: Ruins of bridge in Tai Tam Valley

2014: Road cutting to south of ruined bridge in Tai Tam Valley

2017: Four old structures