14 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

14 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Mon, 14 Aug 1944

Lovely clear cool night.

Posted my card to Marj.

Dream re Peace being signed at 2.04pm on 13th of ?.

Bitter fighting & some advances made in Normandy & Brittany & in some section of Russian Front (11th) Plenty tripe re US atrocities in Burma & of forcing Chungking troops to fight at Hengyang at the point of a gun. No damage caused in our raids on Japan. Jap troops withdraw on Imphal & Mitikyina fronts. 3rd Aug.

With Steve pm.


E breeze fell & the temp. went up.

Lorry arrived with veg. 7.40pm. Most people had bare rice only for the evening meal.

Araid alarm 9.10 to 9.30pm.

Weeks average, Fish 0.68, Veg 8.67 oz.