20 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

20 Aug 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Sun, 20 Aug 1944

Planes over about 1am.

Dry, overcast, squally pm.

Electricity off indefinitely (for perhaps 4 days) so got our wood boiler going.

Col. Takanada arrived for Camp inspection, but the General who should have come to carry it out didn’t come.

Water only on 6-8am & 4-6pm. Fire wood reduced by 20%. We are reduced to a stage [sic] of siege almost.

The whole Camp cooking to be reorganized. We get Congee at 10am a meal at 5pm & 4oz of dry rice.

The lorry that fetched the rice today is supposed to have been attacked by a Chinese mob in Kowloon.

No papers.

With Steve pm.

No smokes. We are back to the early 1942 days again.

New Moon.