Photos of Gordon Cutler RANDALL [1931-2018] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Gordon Cutler RANDALL [1931-2018]

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1934: IMG_20150612_0004.jpg

1934: IMG_20150615_0004.jpg

1949: Gordon Randall/Edo Noronha keep the VRC flag flying 1949IMG_20150112_0010.jpg

1950: Eric Guest Egyptian Gordon Randall at Victoria Recreation Club 1950IMG_20150112_0011.jpg

1951: HKAAF

1951: Lew Mose, ano, George Bain, Gordon Randall

1951: Gordon Randall

1951: Raffle Presentation by Flt Lt Greta Eardley to Plt Off Gordon Randall

1952: Alice Oei and Plt Off Gordon Randall

1952: Plt Off Gordon Randall receives his Wings from Air Cdre S E Faber

1952: HKAAF function at KCC

1953: Gordon Randall, Lelaine Mok, Tracy Brown and Archie Lang

1953: Lelaine Mok, Gordon Randall, Tracy Brown, Hazel and Dr Eddie Gosano