20 Oct 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

20 Oct 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

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Fri, 20 Oct 1944

Fine, warm, NE wind.

Outside roll-call 8.30am.

Had to have my hands attended to. Slight abrasions & cuts turn septic almost at once due to unbalanced diet, lack of protein. No bandages available so old bits of rag have to suffice.  

According to Chinese papers (19th) Aachen evacuated, Tilsit captured, Adml Horthy Hungarian Regent & his Govt. resigned. Adml. Horthy reports that his 5 task forces are all in operation & that Jap news is all tripe.

Lorry arrived 2.30pm with firewood & fish. Fish condemned & immediately buried. Japs admit firewood very difficult to obtain.

Cookhouse & wood chopping, shifting concrete blocks for Vic S.

With Steve pm.

(Wilson has it that Nimitz will be here within 10 days.)

Workers oil & sugar issued.

Lorry arrived with Canteen gear.