29 Nov 1944, R. E. Jones Wartime diary
Primary tabs
Overcast, E wind.
Canteen No.20.
Lorry 5pm with fish.
Paper has no E news again, Japan raided 27th by 40 B29s & according to paper hit nothing but churches hospitals, shrines & residential quarters.
Mrs Brown’s teeth fillings Y260.
((Barbara Anslow: I wonder if mention of Y260 and Mrs Brown's teeth refers to the amount she received on black market for sale of gold fillings in her teeth? I heard of some people doing this. The alternative explanation would be Yen 260 is cost of dental treatment, or a set of false teeth Mrs Brown had - but I never heard of anyone paying for dental treatment in camp, and few internees would have had the money to pay for treatment.))
More bombs dropped 11.15pm to the NW.