Chinese Christian Cemetery, Pokfulam, Formation 1882 notes | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Chinese Christian Cemetery, Pokfulam, Formation 1882 notes

Date(s) of events described: 
Fri, 20 Oct 1882

From Carl T. Smith Collection  - China Mail – Oct 20, 1882

These are the handwritten notes for an article to be published.  I'm not sure of the author. I have transcribed it as best as possible.  Note:  Xn= Christian

Notia – (-?).  some weeks ago of grant at Pokfulam for Chinese Xn Cem. – Outcome of a rather protracted corresp. between Prot. mission and head officials – much satisfaction felt by all at rapid and kindly manner  business finally settled. Actg Surv. Genl., Regr. Genl. and acting Col Sec Gen HK,  the adm, all had to pass judgment – gratified that at every stage of negotiation these gentlemen exhibited the utmost readiness to take into consideration all that was laid before them - so that there would still appear to be a few scraps of justice left for the poor Chinese, de?spite the numerous statements to contrary.

The Chinese Xn peop of HK not large, but during last few years increased more rapidly than many residents would imagine and there is every indication that in a very few years it will form an important element of the community.  Old  Xn burial ground on hillside, some distance above at level of the lately constructed Richmond Terrace.  There was no road to cemetery, a painful task in more senses than one to follow dead to their last resting place. The mourners had to pick their way over boulders and through rain - ruts as best they could; while, besides this, the ground was nearly filled, and a new cemetery became indispensable. New cem. borders Pokfulam Rd, the sea, a gully that runs down to seashore and the hill on which first bungalows(?) are built that one sees on approaching Pokfulam.  about 43 acres.  Intended to erect a mortuary chapel, and a house for a grounds keeper, while whole area will be enclosed. Also possible in time to come, native Xns may erect a small building to be used as a Home for the Aged and Infirm, as the Chinese are, like other Xns, desirous of supporting their own poor. These bldg. arrangements have to be sanctioned by the Home Govt. and some time will necessarily elapse before they can be proceeded with.  Probably also some assistance from the public funds may be obtained towards laying out of the grounds – which would, we think, be a graceful and just act on the part of Gov’t. Cost of works, including removal of dead from old cem, will be several thousand dollars, and the new cemetery bordering as it does on a public highway, will it is hoped be not altogether devoid of a pleasing aspect.

            While on subject, could not something be done to make general Chinese Cem on Mt. Davis a little less unsightly.  Must surprise many that such a bare, sandy, rainrutted piece of ground should continue to (---?) burial ground for the rich native commut.