17 Mar 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

17 Mar 1945, R. E. Jones Wartime diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 17 Mar 1945

St Pats Day.

Overcast, cold, NE wind.  

1 Box matches Y2.50.

Japs still blasting holes all over the hills & around the beaches locally.

Newspapers rec’d this week  2. A/rs on Japan intensified. Osaka bombed for 3 hrs. Japs obviously in something of panic re invasion of Jap mainland. Rhine bridgehead enlarged & reinforced, 25 mls E of Rhine (13th). Fighting going on in streets of Mandalay. Total British cas. to Nov. 44 1,430,000. 

Exhibition opened by Gimson of work done in Camp held in Central Rec. Rm. Very well attended by viewers. 

Firewood being procured from local hillsides.

Lorry with veg 6pm.

Vit. pill.

Japs have allowed 50% wood increase.