Ritz Garden Apartments, King's Road [1957- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Ritz Garden Apartments, King's Road [1957- ]

Current condition: 
Date Place completed: 

Names of Buildings describes their address like this:

885-891, 921-927, 901-911 & 937-939 King's Rd.

and that they were built in 1957. I guess they were built on the site of the old Ritz Ballroom  / Swimming Pool / Garden. Part of the site was likely occupied by the New Ritz Hotel, built around the same time.

Today's map shows two blocks labeled Ritz Garden Apartments. The north block is numbers 921-923 and 925-927. The south block is 909-911 and 937-939. The gap in numbers for the south block is because the the numbers ran in a peculiar "2" shape, so 885 is on the Ho Chak Street side, then numbers run up/south to 907. Then numbers run back north along the road that's roughly in line with Finnie Street, numbers 909-923. Finally south again for numbers 925-939 along King's Road.

Two blocks remain, but a 1997 map shows there were four blocks at that time. The middke two are now the site of Royal Terrace.