24 Sep 1945, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

24 Sep 1945, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 24 Sep 1945

Cecil Harcourt gives a press conference and offers an honest but down-beat view of his administration's achievements:

As yet we have been unable to do much more than maintain law and order, protect life and property, and round-up and disarm the Japanese....The real trouble is that he has neither the men nor the resources to do anything more.

He points out that no-one expected the sudden collapse of Japan, and when it happened the Fleet was engaged in planning for further military operations, and it was hard to suddenly have to do something completely different. The government workers interned in Stanley came out and did a fine job, but many of them have now had to go home ((to recuperate)). Adminstrative personnel are on their way from Britain but have not yet arrived. Supplies of coal from Australia are expected soon but shortage has hampered attempts to restore normal services. Firewood is another problem, and efforts are being made to get some from Borneo.

It's not all gloom though. The rice situation is adequate, and the Colony is managing to feed 18,000 destitutes. He hopes to send the 22,000 Japanese prisoners home soon -  because they're taking up valuable property and, even though they get no more than is legally required, they are extra mouths to feed.


Chief Justice Atholl MacGregor has been greatly weakened by the privations of Stanley - he will die on the voyage of repatriation. Nevertheless, he played a full part in the resumption of British sovreignty, and today he acts as coroner from his bed in Tweed Bay Hospital. The inquest is into the death of Herbert Winkfield Jackson, killed by a shark on Sunday evening. Flying Officer C. Kelly, the Medical Officer at Camp H.Q., states that a faint pulse was discernible when he arrived at the beach but Lance-Sergeant Jackson had died before arriving at Tweed Bay Hospital. Captain and Mrs. Braude also give evidence.


Harcourt, Inquest: China Mail, September 25, 1945, 4