Tony hands out sweets. This was, I believe, taken on the Shun Wan Road with the quayside for taking a sampan trip to the Tai Pak behind the building on the left. Incorrect. Following a conversation with Tngan, I am now sure that this photograph was taken looking North on the Aberdeen Main Road somewhere between Wu Pak Street and Wu Nan Street with the hills overlooking Aberdeen in the background.The quay from where the sampan ladies took one to the floating restaurants was either behind me on what is now Wu Nan Street or over to the left on what became either Tung Sing Road or maybe Shengtu Road.
Aberdeen Tony and sweets
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Submitted by Andrew Suddaby
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, January 1, 1958
- Aberdeen Tony and sweets shows Place Aberdeen Main Road [????- ]
Abbatoir Aberdeen
I am fairly certain that in 1957/8 we were standing right next to an abbatoir, which was just to the left of this photograsph. In 1981 I took this photogaph in the same place and suspect that must have been the site of the abbatoir